GRR datastore

GRR needs a database backend in order to run. Previously, GRR supported SQLite and MySQL databases, but support for SQLite was dropped after GRR v3.2.3.2 was released. MySQL is now GRR’s only supported database backend.

For users that were using the obsoleted SQLiteDataStore, please note that GRR does not have functionality for migrating data to the MySQL datastore. No need to fret though - a client re-deployment will not be necessary. Existing clients will still be able to talk to the GRR server when starting off with a new database. Client re-enrollment and interrogation should happen automatically.

AFF4 deprecation

Starting from the version 3.3.0 GRR uses a new datastore format by default - REL_DB. REL_DB is backwards-incompatible with the now-deprecated AFF4 datastore format (even though they both use MySQL as a backend).

Use of AFF4-based deployments is now discouraged. REL_DB is expected to be much more stable and performant.

Switching an AFF4-based deployment to use REL_DB

To check which datastore implementation you’re using: go to “Setting” in the GRR AdminUI and check the “Database” section. If Database.aff4_enabled is set to 0 and Database.enabled is set to 1, you’re running REL_DB.

Note (IMPORTANT!): There’s no established data migration process to migrate the data from AFF4 data storage to REL_DB. You’ll lose all the historical data when you switch an existing deployment to use REL_DB. However, the clients, will continue to work without issues. They will show up in the new datastore first time they check in (normally every 10 minutes).

To switch an existing GRR deployment to REL_DB.

  1. Backup your MySQL database and GRR server configuration files (this is a good idea for any kind of GRR upgrade, ideally you should also have regular backups set up).

  2. Upgrade GRR to a version greater or equal than

  3. Run the following to update the GRR server configuration file:

    sudo grr_config_updater switch_datastore
    # Add at least one admin user to the empty REL_DB datastore.
    sudo grr_config_updater add_user --admin admin
  4. Answer the questions asked by the tool.

  5. Restart GRR server.

    sudo service grr-server restart

At this point GRR will run with an empty REL_DB datastore. Your clients will still be able to talk to the server and will appear in the AdminUI as soon as they check in (normally within 10 minutes).

Switching back to AFF4-based deployment

If for some reason you had an issue with switching to REL_DB and would like to go back to using AFF4 datastore at your GRR deployment, edit your configuration file at /etc/grr/server.local.yaml and make sure you have the settings below set correctly (or simply restore the file to its backed up version):

Database.aff4_enabled: True
Database.enabled: False
# Ignore the following line if you had custom
# Blobstore.implementation setting before.
Blobstore.implementation: MemoryStreamBlobStore