Installing from released PIP packagesΒΆ

If the templates included in release server debs are not compatible with the platform you would like to run them on, you have the option of installing GRR from PIP on your target platform, then building your own installers.

First, install the prerequisites:

  • Ubuntu:
apt install -y debhelper dpkg-dev python-dev python-pip rpm zip
  • Centos:
yum install -y epel-release python-devel wget which libffi-devel \
  openssl-devel zip git gcc gcc-c++ redhat-rpm-config

yum install -y python-pip

Next, upgrade pip and install virtualenv:

sudo pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv

Next, create a virtualenv and install the GRR server and template packages:

virtualenv GRR_ENV

source GRR_ENV/bin/activate

pip install grr-response-server

pip install --no-cache-dir -f grr-response-templates

During installation of grr-response-server, administrative commands e.g grr_console and grr_config_updater will be added to the virtualenv. After installation, you will need to initialize the GRR configuration with grr_config_updater initialize. Once that is done, you can build a template for your platform with:

grr_client_build build --output mytemplates

and repack it with:

grr_client_build repack --template mytemplates/*.zip --output_dir mytemplates

If you would like to experiment with the Admin UI or other server components, you can launch them from within the virtualenv as follows:

grr_server --component admin_ui --verbose

Note that GRR requires Python 2.7+, so for platforms with older default Python versions (e.g Centos 6), you need to build a newer version of Python from source and use that for creating the virtualenv.