Repacking GRR clients

The client can be customized for deployment. There are two key ways of doing this:

  1. Repack the released client with a new configuration.
  2. Rebuild the client from scratch (advanced users); see Building custom client templates.

Doing a rebuild allows full reconfiguration, changing names and everything else. A repack on the other hand limits what you can change. Each approach is described below.

Repacking the Client with a New Configuration.

Changing basic configuration parameters can be done by editing the server config file (/etc/grr/server.local.yaml) to override default values, and then using the config_updater to repack the binaries. This allows for changing basic configuration parameters such as the URL the client reports back to.

Once the config has been edited, you can repack all clients with the new config and upload them to the datastore using

$ grr_config_updater repack_clients

Repacking works by taking the template zip files, injecting relevant configuration files, and renaming files inside the zip to match requested names. This template is then turned into something that can be deployed on the system by using the debian package builder on linux, creating a self extracting zip on Windows, or creating an installer package on OSX.

After running the repack you should have binaries available in the UI under Binaries → installers and also on the filesystem under grr/executables.

Repacking Clients: Signing installer binaries

You can also use the grr_client_build tool to repack individual templates and control more aspects of the repacking, such as signing. For signing to work you need to follow these instructions:

Setting up for RPM signing

Linux RPMs are signed following a similar process to windows. A template is built inside a docker container / Vagrant VM and the host does the repacking and signing.

To get set up for signing, first you need to create a gpg key that you will use for signing (here’s a decent HOWTO).

Then make sure you have rpmsign and rpm utilities installed on your host system:

sudo apt-get install rpm

Tell GRR where your public key is:

sudo ln -s /path/to/ /etc/alternatives/grr_rpm_signing_key

Set this config variable to whatever you used as your key name:

ClientBuilder.rpm_gpg_name: my key name

That’s it, you can follow the normal build process.

Setting up for Windows EXE signing

Building Templates

First you need to make sdists from the GRR source (which requires a protobuf compiler) and get them to the windows build machine. We do this on linux with this script which uses google cloud storage to copy the files to the windows machine (note you’ll need to use a different cloud storage bucket name):

BUCKET=mybucketname scripts/

On your Windows/VM with git and the Google cloud SDK installed, run this as admin:

mkdir C:\grr_src
git clone C:\grr_src

Then as a regular user you can download the sdists and build the templates from that:

C:\Python27-x64\python.exe C:\grr_src\appveyor\windows_templates\ --grr_src=C:\grr_src --cloud_storage_sdist_bucket=mybucketname --cloud_storage_output_bucket=mybucketname

Download the built templates and components from cloud storage to your linux vm ready for repacking. Put them under grr/executables/windows/templates.

Setting Up For Windows EXE Signing

To make automation easier we now sign the windows installer executable on linux using osslsigncode. To set up for signing, install osslsigncode:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
tar zxvf osslsigncode-1.7.1.tar.gz
cd osslsigncode-1.7.1/
sudo make install

Get your signing key into the .pvk and .spc format, example commands below (will vary based on who you buy the signing cert from):

openssl pkcs12 -in authenticode.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out key.pem
openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform PVK -pvk-strong -out authenticode.pvk
openssl pkcs12 -in authenticode.pfx -nokeys -nodes -out cert.pem
cat Thawte_Primary_Root_CA_Cross.cer >> cert.pem
openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile cert.pem -outform DER -out authenticode.spc
shred -u key.pem

Link to wherever your key lives. This allows you to keep it on removable media and have different people use different keys with the same grr config.

sudo ln -s /path/to/authenticode.pvk /etc/alternatives/grr_windows_signing_key
sudo ln -s /path/to/authenticode.spc /etc/alternatives/grr_windows_signing_cert

Repacking Clients - Follow-up

After doing the above, add the –sign parameter to the repack command:

grr_client_build repack --template path/to/grr-response-templates/templates/ --output_dir=/tmp/test --sign

To repack and sign multiple templates at once, see the next section.

Repacking Clients With Custom Labels: Multi-Organization Deployments

Each client can have a label “baked in” at build time that allows it to be identified and hunted separately. This is especially useful when you want to deploy across a large number of separate organisations. You achieve this by creating a config file that contains the unique configuration you want applied to the template. A minimal config that just applies a label would contain:

Client.labels: [mylabel]

and be written into repack_configs/mylabel.yaml.

Then you can call repack_multiple to repack all templates (or whichever templates you choose) with this configuration and any others in the repack_configs directory. An installer will be built for each config:

grr_client_build repack_multiple --templates /path/to/grr-response-templates/templates/*.zip --repack_configs /path/to/repack_configs/*.yaml --output_dir=/grr_installers

To sign the installers (RPM and EXE), add –sign.

Client Configuration.

Configuration of the client is done during the packing/repacking of the client. The process looks like:

  1. For the client we are packing, find the correct context and platform, e.g. Platform: Windows Client Context
  2. Extract the relevant configuration parameters for that context from the server configuration file, and write them to a client specific configuration file e.g. GRR.exe.yaml
  3. Pack that configuration file into the binary to be deployed.

When the client runs, it determines the configuration in the following manner based on --config and --secondary_configs arguments that are given to it:

  1. Read the config file packed with the installer, default: c:\windows\system32\GRR\GRR.exe.yaml
  2. GRR.exe.yaml reads the Config.writeback value, default: reg://HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/GRR
  3. Read in the values at that registry key and override any values from the yaml file with those values.

Most parameters are able to be modified by changing parameters and then restarting GRR. However, some configuration options, such as affect the name of the actual binary itself and therefore can only be changed with a repack on the server.

Updating a configuration variable in the client can be done in multiple ways:

  1. Change the configuration on the server, repack the clients and redeploy/update them.
  2. Edit the yaml configuration file on the machine running the client and restart the client.
  3. Update where Config.writeback points to with new values, e.g. by editing the registry key.
  4. Issue an UpdateConfig flow from the server (not visible in the UI), to achieve 3.

As an example, to reduce how often the client polls the server to every 300 seconds, you can update the registry as per below, and then restart the service:

C:\Windows\System32\>reg add HKLM\Software\GRR /v Client.poll_max /d 300

The operation completed successfully.