Configuration Contexts
The next important concept to understand is that of configuration contexts. GRR consists of many components, which share most of their configuration. Often, however, we want to specify slight differences between each component. If we were to write a separate configuration file say for building each client version (Currently, 3 operating systems, and 2 architectures) as well as for each component (e.g. worker, web UI, frontend etc), we would end up with an unmaintainable mess of many configuration files. It would make more sense to put most of the common configuration parameters in the same file, and only specify the different ones, depending on the component which is running.
GRR introduces the concept of running context. The context is a list of attributes about the currently running component. When the code accesses the configuration system, the configuration system considers the currently running context and returns the appropriate value of the required parameter.
For example, consider the parameter Logging.filename
which specifies the
location of the log file. In a full GRR installation, we wish the GRR Admin
UI to log to /var/log/grr/adminui.log
while the frontend should log to
. We can therefore specify in the YAML config
Logging.filename: /var/log/grr/grr_server.log
AdminUI Context:
Logging.filename: /var/log/grr/adminui.log
Frontend Context:
Logging.filename: /var/log/grr/httpserver.log
Client Context:
Logging.filename: /var/log/grr/grr_client.log
Logging.filename: c:\\windows\\system32\\grr.log
When the AdminUI program starts up, it populates its context with
AdminUI Context
. This forces the configuration system to return the
value specific to this context. Note that other components, such as the
worker will set a context of Worker Context, which will not match any
of the above overrides. Therefore the worker will simply log to the
default of /var/log/grr/grr_server.log
Note that it is possible to have multiple contexts defined at the same
time. So for example, GRR client running under windows will have the
contexts, Client Context
and Platform:Windows
, while a GRR client
running under Linux will have the context Client Context
. When several possibilities can apply, the option which
matches the most context parameters will be selected. So in the above
example, linux and osx clients will have a context like Client Context
and will select /var/log/grr/grr_client.log
. On the other hand, a
windows client will also match the Platform:Windows
context, and will
therefore select c:\windows\system32\grr.log
The following is a non-exhaustive list of available contexts:
AdminUI Context, Worker Context, Frontend Context etc. Are defined when running one of the main programs.
Test Context is defined when running unit tests.
Arch:i386 and Arch:amd64 are set when running a 32 or 64 bit GRR client binary.
Installer Context is defined when the windows installer is active (i.e. during installation)
Platform:Windows, Platform:Linux, Platform:Darwin are set when running GRR client under these platforms.
The full list can be seen here.