
The Foreman is a client scheduling service. At a regular intervals (defaults to every 30 minutes) the client will report in asking if there are Foreman actions for it. At the time of this check in, the Foreman will be queried to decide if there are any jobs that match the host, if there are, appropriate flows will be created for the client. This mechanism is generally used by Hunts to schedule flows on a large number of clients.

The foreman maintains a list of rules, if the rule matches a client when it checks in, the specified flow will execute on the client. The rules work against AFF4 attributes allowing for things like "All XP Machines" or "All OSX machines installed after 01.01.2011". For more information see the section about hunt rules.

The foreman check-in request is a special request made by the client that communicates with a Well Known Flow (W:Foreman). When the server sees this request it does the following:

  1. Determines how long since this client did a Foreman check-in.
  2. Determines the set of rules that are non-expired and haven’t previously been checked by the client.
  3. Matches those rules against the client’s attributes to determine if there is a match.
  4. If there is a match, run the associated flow.

The reason for the separate Foreman check-in request is that the rule matching can be expensive when you have a lot of clients, so having these less frequent saves a lot of processing.